I thought it would be beneficial to others to show how it was done.
First, I used an online wizard to generate the addon skeleton:
I unpacked the resulting zip file to a c:\nicovideofullscreen
Then I put a file with the same name as my Extension ID in my profile folder's extension directory. In this case, the Extension ID is "nicovideofullscreen@onteria.jp":
(とFirefoxがこのアドオンを気付くためプロファイルフォルダーの「extension」フォルダーにExtension IDと同じ名前のファイルーを作った。この場合Extension IDは「nicovideofullscreen@onteria.jp」:)
*Note: The profile folder depends on your operating system. Please review:
(※ ご注意: プロファイルフォルダーはOSによる。このページを確認して下さい:)
Next, I modified the install.rdf file, which contains basic details about the addon:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#"> <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest"> <em:id>nicovideofullscreen@onteria.jp</em:id> <em:name>Nicovideo Fullscreen</em:name> <em:version>1.0</em:version> <em:creator>onteria_</em:creator> <em:targetApplication> <Description> <em:id>{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}</em:id> <!-- firefox --> <em:minVersion>3.5</em:minVersion> <em:maxVersion>3.6.*</em:maxVersion> </Description> </em:targetApplication> </Description> </RDF>
Here, I changed the Firefox version values to match 3.5 and 3.6.*. I am not using the alpha version, so I cannot say it works reliably in 3.7*.
Now that I have the install.rdf file edited, I need to have the browser recognize my addon code, and execute the necessary function. To do this I create what's called an "overlay".
The addon's basic overlay file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://nicovideofullscreen/skin/overlay.css" type="text/css"?> <!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://nicovideofullscreen/locale/nicovideofullscreen.dtd"> <overlay id="nicovideofullscreen-overlay" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> <script src="io.js"/> <script src="utils.js"/> <script src="overlay.js"/> <stringbundleset id="stringbundleset"> <stringbundle id="nicovideofullscreen-strings" src="chrome://nicovideofullscreen/locale/nicovideofullscreen.properties"/> </stringbundleset> </overlay>
Most of this code is generated by the previously mentioned skeleton code wizard. What Firefox will do is take this file and combine it with a specific part of the Firefox interface. In this case, it is being combined with the browser interface, as specified in the unchanged chrome.manifest file:
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://nicovideofullscreen/content/firefoxOverlay.xul
While an overlay file is primarily used for adding UI components to the browser interface, we will be using it to overlay addon code. This is done through the three script tags from the previous code. overlay.js contains the startup functions for the code, so we'll look at that first:
var nicofs = { page_listener: { QueryInterface: function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI) { if (aURI && aURI.spec.match(/^http:\/\/(www|tw|es|de)\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/[a-z]{0,2}[0-9]+$/)) { content.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",nicofs.setup, true); } return 0; }, onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus) {return 0;}, onProgressChange: function() {return 0;}, onStatusChange: function() {return 0;}, onSecurityChange: function() {return 0;}, onLinkIconAvailable: function() {return 0;} }, onLoad: function(aEvent) { gBrowser.addProgressListener(nicofs.page_listener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION); }, onUnload: function() { window.removeEventListener("load", nicofs.onLoad, false); window.removeEventListener("unload", nicofs.onUnload, false); gBrowser.removeProgressListener(nicofs.page_listener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT); }, fullscreenListener: function(evt) { if(!evt.target.ownerDocument.location.match(/^http:\/\/(www|tw|es|de)\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/[a-z]{0,2}[0-9]+$/)) return if(!content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); }, unfullscreenListener: function(evt) { if(!evt.target.ownerDocument.location.match(/^http:\/\/(www|tw|es|de)\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/[a-z]{0,2}[0-9]+$/)) return if(content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); }, setup: function() { if(!content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); content.document.addEventListener("FullscreenEvent", function(e) { nicofs.fullscreenListener(e); }, false, true); content.document.addEventListener("UnFullscreenEvent", function(e) { nicofs.unfullscreenListener(e); }, false, true); scriptInjection.inject(content.document, "content/injectJS/setupPlayer.js"); }, }; window.addEventListener("load", nicofs.onLoad, false); window.addEventListener("unload", nicofs.onUnload, false);
There's a lot of code to deal with here, so let's trace through how it will be executed:
window.addEventListener("load", nicofs.onLoad, false); window.addEventListener("unload", nicofs.onUnload, false); //... onLoad: function(aEvent) { gBrowser.addProgressListener(nicofs.page_listener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION); }, onUnload: function() { window.removeEventListener("load", nicofs.onLoad, false); window.removeEventListener("unload", nicofs.onUnload, false); gBrowser.removeProgressListener(nicofs.page_listener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT); }, //...
"window.addEventListener" is used to add startup and cleanup functions for the addon. When the browser runs, it will run our onLoad function. When the browser unloads, it will run our onUnload function to cleanup.
The onLoad function adds a progress listener. This will be discussed in a moment. gBrowser is global variable to access the tabbrowser. I mainly acquired this code by looking over the NicoFox extension's codebase, since it had the functionality I needed. The actual code to handle the progressListener is here:
page_listener: { QueryInterface: function(aIID) { if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) || aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; }, onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI) { if (aURI && aURI.spec.match(/^http:\/\/(www|tw|es|de)\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/[a-z]{0,2}[0-9]+$/)) { content.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",nicofs.setup, true); } return 0; }, onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus) {return 0;}, onProgressChange: function() {return 0;}, onStatusChange: function() {return 0;}, onSecurityChange: function() {return 0;}, onLinkIconAvailable: function() {return 0;} },
The important part here is onLocationChange. This notifies us of when a new page is about to be loaded in the current window. The URL is is checked against the format of a Nico video view page. If it does not match, the addon won't do anything. Through this method we can restrict the addon to be page specific. Next, a DOMContentLoaded (the DOM is loaded with the exception of images and frames) event listener is added to content.document. "content", or the deprecated "_content", is used to point to the current window. From there we can access the DOM of the current page using content.document. However, this leads to a problem that the next code looks to solve:
setup: function() { if(!content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); content.document.addEventListener("FullscreenEvent", function(e) { nicofs.fullscreenListener(e); }, false, true); content.document.addEventListener("UnFullscreenEvent", function(e) { nicofs.unfullscreenListener(e); }, false, true); scriptInjection.inject(content.document, "content/injectJS/setupPlayer.js"); },
Before looking over the full screen code, I'd like to explain the scriptInject. scriptInject is the following code that I wrote:
var scriptInjection = { extensionID: "nicovideofullscreen@onteria.jp", inject: function(document, script) { var source; if(typeof script == "function") { source = "(" + script + ")()"; } else { source = scriptInjection.readExtensionScript(script); } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript"); script.textContent = source; document.body.appendChild(script); }, readExtensionScript: function(path) { var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"]. getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager); // the path may use forward slash ("/") as the delimiter // returns nsIFile for the extension's install.rdf var file = em.getInstallLocation(scriptInjection.extensionID).getItemFile(scriptInjection.extensionID, path); if (file.exists()) { var str = FileIO.read(file); return str; } } }
Because an addon can do dangerous things to a user's PC, it cannot directly access the javascript functions of a webpage. To get around this, I used a tactic from the Greasemonkey wiki called "Content Script Injection". This method inserts a script tag into the page's DOM, which will run at the webpage level, safe from the addon code. This code accepts one of two sources for the script: functions or files. If it is a function, it uses the function object's builtin "toString" method to obtain the function's source code. If it is a file, it reads the file in and uses it as the source. Once the source of the javascript is obtained, it is inserted in the DOM tree and run.
(アドオンはユーザーのPCに色々な危険な物が出来る理由でウエブページのあるJavascriptをアクセス出来ない。この問題を回避するため、Greasemonkeyウイッキーで見つけた「Content Script Injection」方法を使用した。この方法はページのDOMにスクリプトタグを追加して、アドオンコードから離れて、ページスコープで実行する。このコードはスクリプトのソース二つ対応出来る:関数とファイル。関数の場合は関数の「toString」と言う備わるメソッドで関数のソースコードを読み込む。ファイルーの場合、そのファイルを読み込んで、ソースとして使用する。JSのソースが取得されたらDOMツリーに追加されて、実行される。
Now to look into the functionality. When a user navigates to a video's view page, it will fullscreen the browser, wait until the nicoplayer is loaded, maximize the nicoplayer, wait 3 seconds, and finally play the video. Once the video playback is initiated, pausing the video will restore from fullscreen and restore the nicoplayer, and the end of the video will simply restore from fullscreen. Replaying / Resuming the video will restore fullscreen and maximize the player. Note that the Nico alerts are the same as pausing and resuming playback. First off is the code to deal with fullscreen, since that is not something one can do from within the DOM scope (otherwise I would have written a Greasemonkey script):
if(!content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); content.document.addEventListener("FullscreenEvent", function(e) { nicofs.fullscreenListener(e); }, false, true); content.document.addEventListener("UnFullscreenEvent", function(e) { nicofs.unfullscreenListener(e); }, false, true); fullscreenListener: function(evt) { if(!evt.target.ownerDocument.location.match(/^http:\/\/(www|tw|es|de)\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/[a-z]{0,2}[0-9]+$/)) return if(!content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); }, unfullscreenListener: function(evt) { if(!evt.target.ownerDocument.location.match(/^http:\/\/(www|tw|es|de)\.nicovideo\.jp\/watch\/[a-z]{0,2}[0-9]+$/)) return if(content.fullScreen) BrowserFullScreen(); },
In order for the content document to communicate back to the document that the browser needs to fullscreen, event handling is used. On the web page, code will dispatch a custom event handler, which the addon will pickup. First, the addon checks to make sure another page is not sending this custom event to be safe. Then, it will fullscreen / restore if the browser is not in that state already.
Next is the nicoplayer specific code, which will run in web page scope. The nicoplayer makes a javascript interface available for the script to use. This interface includes the follow methods and events:
- ext_play(playback)
- playback = true or false
- true = Play / 再生
- false = Stop / 停止
- ext_setPlayheadTime(time)
- time = ms?
- ext_setMute(setting)
- true = Mute / ミュート
- false = Unmutted / ミュートを解除する
- ext_setVolume(volume)
- volume = 0-100?
- ext_setCommentVisible(visibility)
- true = コメントを表示する
- false = コメントを表示しない
- ext_setRepeat(repeat)
- true = リピートする
- false = リピートしない
- ext_setVideoSize(mode)
- "fit" = ニコプレイヤーを最大にする
- "normal" = ニコプレイヤーを元に戻す
- ext_isMute()
- Get mute status ミュート
- ext_getVolume()
- Get volume 音量
- ext_isCommentVisible()
- Get comment visibility コメント視程
- ext_isRepeat()
- Get repeat status リピート
- ext_getVideoSize()
- Nicoplayer size("normal", "fit") ニコプレイヤーのサイズ("normal", "fit")
- ext_getStatus
- ニコプレイヤーのステータス
- seeking シーク中
- load ロード中
- stopped 停止
- playing 再生中
- paused 一時停止
- end 終わり
- ext_getPlayheadTime()
- Playback time from beginning 初めからの期間(ms?)
- ext_getTotalTime()
- Video duration 動画の期間
- ext_isEditedOwnerThread
- ?
- ext_sendLocalMessage
- Post comment コメントポスト
- ext_getLoadedRatio()
- Load percentage(0-1) ロード率(0-1)
- Nicovideo.launchP4
- ?
- onNicoPlayerReady(id)
- Nicoplayer setup is done ニコプレイヤーの準備は終了
- id = flvplayer
- toggleMaximizePlayer
- Nicoplayer maximized ニコプレイヤーが最大に
- onNicoPlayerStatus(id, status)
- Nicoplayer status changed ニコプレイヤーのステータスが変わった
- id = flvplayer
- status = see ext_getStatus 「ext_getStatus」を確認して下さい
- resetMymemoryParameters
- ?
In order to properly maximize the Nicoplayer, we need to make sure it's loaded. We can use the onNicoPlayerReady event to do so. However, this is already called, so we use this method to add on to the existing code:
var nicofs_playerInit = false; var tmpFunction = onNicoPlayerReady; onNicoPlayerReady = function() { tmpFunction(); $("flvplayer").ext_setVideoSize("fit"); window.setTimeout('$("flvplayer").ext_play(true);', 3000); }
The code maximizes the Nicoplayer, then tells it to start playback in 3 seconds.
Finally, we use the onNicoPlayerStatus to maximize / restore according to the status:
function onNicoPlayerStatus(object, status) { if(!nicofs_playerInit) { if(status == "playing") nicofs_playerInit = true; return; } switch(status) { case "playing": fullscreenBrowser(); $("flvplayer").ext_setVideoSize("fit"); break; case "paused": unfullscreenBrowser(); $("flvplayer").ext_setVideoSize("normal"); break; case "end": unfullscreenBrowser(); break; default: break; } } function fullscreenBrowser() { var event = content.document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("FullscreenEvent", true, false); $("flvplayer").dispatchEvent(event); } function unfullscreenBrowser() { var event = content.document.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent("UnFullscreenEvent", true, false); $("flvplayer").dispatchEvent(event); }
Notice the custom "FullscreenEvent" and "UnFullscreenEvent" event handlers to communicate with the addon.
That, in a nutshell, is how I created my Firefox addon. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments field.